An A-2-z On Speedy Programs Of Textile Lab Equipment
Suggestions For Swift Secrets For [textile Testing]
A Basic Breakdown Of Sensible Methods
Most of my creative ideas come when I’m walking. When my body is in motion it sets a pace for ideas to flourish. I’ll walk to and from work; along Queen West; I’ll even just walk around the block of wherever I am when I need to think through something. A number of the Textile Museum's exhibitions showcase ancient creative techniques adapted for contemporary contexts. What do you think we can learn by engaging with art from the past in this way? Culture isn’t static. It’s mobile – especially through global communication and the migration of people. When BIPOC artists engage with their cultural past they are actively shaping their identity in the here and now by correcting histories and erasures or creating a continuum across eras and borders. So much of our attention is drawn to the digital and virtual possibilities of art. Can you explain what role textiles play in your day-to-day life? Textiles are everywhere! From our clothes to our furnishings they surround us; we live in them.
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